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Managing social media pages is the first way to e-marketing, where:

Strategic to study the market to know the products and services that are most in demand and work on developing them and know different ways to increase awareness of the importance of your project to your customers and thus be ready to enter the market

Studying competitors is considered one of the most important points in the strategy, because through it the prices, offers and marketing method are known, in addition to knowing the weaknesses and working to exploit them and the strengths to provide your best and thus compete strongly in the market.

server room
server room

Studying the interests of your customers, where each project has different customers in terms of interests, location, age, type, behavior ..... and others. Therefore, the ability to understand your customers makes it easier for you to communicate and increases their loyalty towards your brand, thus increasing sales.

The ability to write content about each service or product to increase awareness and highlight the strengths of projects and companies with professional designs that strengthen the brand.

Making funded notifications by targeting a segment interested in the offered product or service, using content and designs that highlight the idea and attract customers, which leads to the formation of a huge database and thus increase sales.

Manage pages in terms of responding to all customer inquiries, obtaining their data, and building a strong communication process with them.